Sunday, October 30, 2011

follow your dreams, no matter what

i dared to dream.

my dream was off the beaten track

what made me more unwavering to follow my dreams, was my mother's last words to me, before she passed away:  "seguir tus suenos"  (follow your dreams).  my ma and i would sometimes have our spanish exchanges, just for her to check if i still remember the language i aced at the ateneo.  i didn't know then, that that would be her last words to me, and that those words would condition and prepare me to follow my dreams, no matter what.

i have always been drawn to the rural lifestyle.  although my travels brought me to places far and near, there is an undefined lure that would always take me back to baao, and the rural lifestyle.  at first, i was anxious that i would get bored with the parochial way of life.  little did i know then, that the farm lifestyle i was about to embrace would make me outstanding in the field. 

today, i am thankful for:

23.  Rosario, my mother, who believed in my dreams and Leopoldo, my father, who ingrained in me the love for farming
Rosario, my mother, from whose name the farm is known - La Huerta de Rosario
24.  Teresa, my sister, whose support, appreciation and occasional doubts made me more firm, staunch and unyielding on my dreams
Martin, Ma, Teresa, bidibidi, Pa
25.  Martin, my brother, who i know, is proud of me, despite his not being very vocal about it.  bwahahaha!

being outstanding in the field is a conscious choice i make everyday, every moment.  

and being recognized 
for doing what i love doing, 
what i was born to do, 
for living the dream. . .
is a bonus, an extra, a plus.

life is definitely good!  bwahahaha!

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