Friday, October 18, 2013

it is okay to be happier

the past week was mostly spent relaxing.  the previous one was really stressful, so i always make sure my body and spirit recuperate fast by indulging in small pamperings.
this brings to mind an instance when i had to tell on somebody who would always sssshhhh me, when i break into my famed thunderous bwahahahas!  if i could have my way, she would not have a strand on her as an aftermath of her sssshhhh-ing me.  bwahahaha!  her act or shall i say reaction to my happiness and joy seems to be saying:  to be happy is to sin!  no, no, no!
pursuing happiness is, to my mind, life's quest.  when one tells me otherwise, i have to snoot and show her the palm saying:  talk to the hand, the face is busy.  all depends on how one pursues happiness.  if one's bolts and nuts are in the proper places, am sure the right things and non-things would bring about true happiness (am not sure am making sense to some, now, but to the self, am clear.  bwahahaha!)
the wise king solomon has been quoted to say:  i know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.  hmmm, i recited that line aloud without batting an eyelash.  bwahahaha!
i so believe that our emotions are also gift from the force.  it is okay to be sad, mad, hurt or angry.  and i also want to say, it is also okay to be happy.
happiness (again, to me)  is a human-on-earth experience of joy in heaven.  so why scrimp on it?
i have been under all types of emotions.  of course, there is this nature in me to have a negative bias, like when i would know what a threat of a charging bull would have, but i learned to renew how my mind processes all other things.  some of them are surprisingly practical, but most of them are spiritual.
pursuing happiness is an exercise for me ( not that it burns my excesses, bwahahaha!), and faking it simply does not work.  everyone must discover and pursue what truly makes them feel happier (i always say this to my students) and note, the word is happier, not happy, because the goal is simply to be growing in happiness in ways that give honour to the force even when one is going through a hard time.  (no pun intended on the last part.  bwahahaha!)
so there, be happy and have fun doing it!  bwahahaha!  life is good!

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