Joyce Kilmer 1886-1918
i think that i shall never see
a poem lovely as a tree.
a tree whose hungry mouth is prest
against the earth's sweet flowing breast;
a tree that looks at god all day,
and lifts her leafy arms to pray;
a tree that may in summer wear
a nest of robins in her hair;
upon whose bosom snow has lain;
who intimately lives with rain.
poems are made by fools like me,
but only god can make a tree.
i find this poem emotional, spiritual and thought-evoking. when i see trees, i recite it in my mind.
i took the bus this morning, on my way to the department of agriculture to attend a seminar on corn crafts. and the bus was so fast, the line of trees was a blur. but when i chance upon a turtle-slow bus, i never get bored, as i look at every tree i pass by and "see" it.
i have already made my point with the casureco axe-men:
i know that they have to clear the electric lines, of branches and trees, but how they do it is criminal! every time they do their "clearing", it's reminiscent of super typhoon reming! and to make matters worse, they just leave the "debris" as is, where is!
H E L P!
can anybody teach them how to treat a tree?
treat trees right!
don't rob them of their majesty and splendor!
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