when i have some new “old stuff” that is when I am happiest.
i have recently received the most wonderful gift there is (for no occasion at all) – a vintage buttons lot of not less than 25 kilos. imagine the joy this has given me. (well, of course not all can imagine this).
i spend eons sorting them, and in the process, my thoughts are sorted out.
buttons have recently been my art material of choice.
our culture glorifies the new: trendy garments with built-in obsolescence, quickly lose appeal when they appear on the “what’s not” side of the “what’s hot” fashion column. so they’re relegated to the back of the closet….stuffed into a bottom drawer… and, if they’re not dumped into the trash, they eventually find their way to thrift and consignment stores where they languish under the humiliation of multiple markdowns and overpopulated racks.
a treasure often hides between purple power suits and polyester broomstick skirts. and the thrill of finding a mustard dupioni silk blouse or a fine gauge british wool dress makes the sometimes exhaustive searches worthwhile.
mixed patterns...salvaged silk...souvenir scarves...exposed seams...collected buttons. . .stashed crocheted doilies. . .
recycling need not be so alien.
re-purposing is the need of our time.
whether you agree with me or not, doesn’t really matter, what matters is that when i re-purpose things, i am leading and living the example.
so, what keeps me buried in the pile of otherwise considered thrash?
my love for my art and my environment.
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