true to the sacrament, the name of my farm was officially bestowed by a catholic priest (fr. yoyo gaite). i was thinking out loud, four years ago, contemplating on what to call my place, when i had lunch with friends in Naga, and we chanced upon fr. yoyo. i told him of my plans, well, my dreams, then, about that piece of idle agricultural land i inherited from my mother. i asked him about possible names, and was very insistent on using a spanish term, my forebears being of that race. i asked him about the local term we use, 'laguerta' and he told me, why not make it "la huerta" which literally means "the orchard". he went on suggesting: la huerta de rosario (the orchard of rosario - my mother), la huerta de los santos (the orchard of the saints - de los santos being our family name) and the shorter version stuck.
little did i know then that my dream of having my own garden, orchard, farm will propel me to what i now call my mission.
i had the honor
of putting up the name,
a landmark. . .
it is a beacon to
the lost,
and the found. . .
w e l c o m e!
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