Thursday, April 2, 2009

i grieve with you

i look at my forest
after this morning's rain,
lush and fresh and green. . .

the ferns dance to the cool breeze blowing.

i look at the sky
it's grey. . .
rain is looming.

as my tears threaten to fall,

i am with you. . .

in your grief
in your sadness

i love you. . .

1 comment:

Ernst said...

Bernadette - your sharing of my gief, the loss of my little grandson, - your sharing in this moment is a great help. You are a real friend to me - as close to me as the closest sister could be. Bernadette - those are the moments in life when a friendship is tested - and because it passes the test, this moment is giving an unforgettable comfort - an everlasting relief out of the deepest pain. I'm thankfull for you. No words can describe what you give me today.