Sunday, October 21, 2012

hushing sunday

the cafe des artes guests have just left, and i hear the murmurs of the scholars from the gallery. . .tasked them to meet and plan for their activities next year, which is just around the corner.
i wanted to spend this sunday hushed, but there just seem to be deeds needing to be done. . .
from the early morning planning, piecing, blocking (i yesterday started my new and recent project:  the 100 joy quilts), to curating for the pieces at my arts room for the gallery guests, to making sure the scholars understand what it is to be scholars, to a meeting with the artists later today. . .the list just goes on.
but i always allow myself to be taken adrift by these waves of moments and trust that all i really need is to be.
for this weekend, i am so filled with hope!
and i am grateful that the time i have is just the time i need for the space i have to take it.
that i have the heart for the courage i need.
that i have friends who see me, when i need support.
and that i discover the funny where i least expect it, when i need laughter.
but also, when time is full and courage hides,
when friends are distant and funny does not share,
i am grateful that my loneliness escort my spirit to discover my deepest desire, and know that the fullness is available for me.

thank you!  ilysm!  i know you know it!  ♥ ♥ ♥

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