Wednesday, September 2, 2009


my birthday was not that day,

i didnt even think about it,

i usually never do,

my birthday is just one of those days,

nothing special for the self,

most of the time,

it is spent for, well, not the self, but that is another story.

F.A.R.M. button day was conceptualized by my new young friend, wheng.

the thought fascinated me,

and because i am a perennial hostess to anything,

it was a happy thought to host a lunch

for my new found friends, my new clique, my F.A.R.M.ers.

so the F.A.R.M.ers’ convergence would be at the farm - La Huerta.

double entendre (i farm and i F.A.R.M.).

as in any day that a guest is to visit La Huerta,

i wanted the place to be perfect

(to my standard, at least: flowers strewn on the pebbled path,

the small fountain bubbly,

the grass cut, trees pruned, yard swept. . .

i can go on and on),

as i will be entertaining perfect friends,

some of them, actually perfect strangers.

my F.A.R.M.ers arrived early!

on time!

was i embarrassed that i have to arrive at a later time,

and when i did, i felt like i was important.

they (wheng, joan, jo, yayet and apple) were actually taking pics

of the steps i make from the time i alit the pedicab,

till the time i was throwing kisses all around – amidst screams, laughter.

i was in the middle of joy.

when we settled in my balinese hut,

and sarah finally arrived with her brood,

more laughter and kisses and fun.

it was such a fun moment! fun to all of us, joy to me, particularly.

joy that i cannot put into words, i just know i was joyful! jubilant! exalting!

they suddenly started singing a birthday song,

and the lone male present

(now better known as itay)

suddenly came up with a lighter and was lighting my candles.

i was all ???? what is happening? whose birthday is it?

i never even thought one would notice the birth date on my profile

and to come up with a surprise like that,

i was again speechless, and had to swallow hard to

keep me from losing it. it has never actually happened,

that somebody gives me a surprise for anything!

my ‘sisters’ came next, tootsie with her brood

and anne with my goddaughter emma.

more kisses and wishes.

we didn’t want the day to end, it was such a happy day

and we were all enjoying: the food, the place, the company.

but dusk crept surreptitiously and soon it was dark,

we had to go.

and today,

i look back to that special day,

those precious moments and cannot keep a smile from forming.

i look at myself on the mirror just in front of me now

and i see lines,

especially near my smiling eyes,

and i know,

they may not reflect the many times i have smiled, laughed

and cried. . .

but i certainly know. . .

those lines are there for reasons and seasons. . .