Friday, January 6, 2012


i was standing last night, at the verandah, 
and looking, staring, gazing at the darkened orange and purple skies. . .

there is a new moon somewhere, but is just shy to be seen,
and i watched how the leaves of my tree dance to the cold jan winds. . .
and as i watch those, i let the cold air cut sharp through my worries, the sky beckon my soul out of its hiding place.
i poured myself a hot brew.

i was starting to feel the cold, i wrapped my hands around the warm cup,
laugh aloud in the celebrations of my life
and believe quietly in grace and truth.
sometimes, i find myself being pulled into the anxious future, but you, yes you, gather me back to now.
when my heartbeat quickens at the thought of my tasks, i surrender the list into your hands. . .
and i clearly see what happens.
when i do not have an answer, i humbly walk, head bowed down, with my question.
i know i am your miracle and one that never stops becoming, being. . .
my heart never ceases to sing my gratitude, for having you in my life.

ps.  ilysm.  thank you for the colours in my life.

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