Friday, January 27, 2012

i got the gift of art

a lot of times, i have tried talking myself out of my art.  make that numerous times, countless, even.  there have been lots of reasons, and they really come in handy just when doubts creep in.  bwahahaha!  and i must admit that there were times in the past that i found enough reasons why i do not have what it takes.  even now, when i have consciously decided to take my art more seriously, i have, on several occassions, felt guilty for having a passion that does not have a job description.  bwahahaha! 
and this may sound a bit funny, but really, sometimes, i get this feeling like i am cheating a little bit for actually doing what i love!  bwahahaha!
but now, i have undergone a lot of paradigm shifts.  now, i see my art as something other than just an idea.  my art is bigger than that, in fact, more necessary than just a dream.
and although it seems like i am taking just baby steps towards my creativity, i know, deep inside that i am stepping into a bigger story.  not just for myself or for my art, but something larger than that.
my art is a gift wrapped up in a box of grace straight from the hand of the Force.
so now, i never ask questions about it.  i stopped talking my way out of it.  i gladly receive the gift, with my eyes open, my heart open wider and my soul open widest.  bwahahaha!

ilysm!  thank you for my life's colours!  ♥ ♥ ♥

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