Friday, November 9, 2012

inked in green

i step out, walk and experience:
the teachings are written not in the book alone, but on trees and flowers and rain and stars.

so i go out and gather it all up. . .
and lay it on the old round marble table
a document, giving proof of the grace creation,

i run my unfurled fingers across
and feel all textures
and see all hues
and read the script all over it
the gospel inked in green.
i call your name,
i promise, it will only take a moment.  
just put on those slippers,
or maybe go barefoot, 
open the door and step out into it all.
and stand, yes, even if only just for a moment,
reading the grace gospel in green.

thank you for making me walk on the green path!  ilysm!  i know you know it!  ♥ ♥ ♥

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