Sunday, March 11, 2012

the woman

a strong woman works out, gyms it,
to build some muscles,
keep her body in shape. . .
but a woman of strength
fosters, creates relationships
to keep her soul hearty, and hale.
a strong woman
is never afraid, terrified of anything. . .
but a woman of strength
shows courage, audacity
in the midst of her fear and dread.
  a strong woman
won't let anyone get the best of her,
make her break. . .
but a woman of strength
gives the best of herself to everyone,
till it sometimes, hurts.
a strong woman
makes mistakes, errs
and avoids the same in the future. . .
a woman of strength 
realizes life's mistakes,
can also be unexpected blessings, miracles
and capitalizes on them.
a strong woman
wears a look of confidence
a mask on her face. . .
but a woman of strength
wears elegance, grace.
a strong woman 
has faith that she is strong, tough, sturdy
enough for the journey. . .
but a woman of strength
has faith that it is in the journey
that she will become strong.
i love the woman
i see in the mirror. . .
sometimes strong,
a lot of times, of strength.

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