Sunday, September 18, 2011

kindred spirits

for a long time now, i have been thinking that life's journey will see me alone.  sometimes, i can feel tears streaming down my face, feeling there is no one i share my passions with.
i have always wanted to be lost in a heightened euphoria, just dreamin' and being in the dream.
i have often desired to be immersed in a state of colours and paints.
i have frequently fancied to be ending a busy day with reading a book, or maybe a line from a poem or a story.
and these notions and whims and flights of my imagination, i live them now, alone, or so i thought.
my gifts for today are my passions shared with wonderful, brilliant and amazing people:

18.  francis padua papica - for you have given me back my faith in the natural goodness of a person.  i believe now, more than ever, that one's goodness in the heart exudes and radiates, no wonder you are such a good-looking man.  bwahahaha!  you have also debunked the law that opposites attract, now, there is a new law - kindred spirits attract.

19.  kristian sendon cordero -  for you have given me back my love for poetry and shared with me wonderful moments of readings.  when you read your poems, i listen to the beauty of verse with its emotional sincerity, intensity and profound insight.
20.  nunilon arnold bancaso, jr. "OsacnaB" - for you have painted my world colourful again.  the art, the critique, the technique, style and all, that you share with me, have made me see beauty much more vividly,  more vibrantly.  you have given me more than just confidence, you have given me power!

there is so much to be thankful and grateful for, but today, i am grateful that the three of you are in my world and are in my lifetime. 

life is good!  bwahahaha!

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